Freelancer Agreement

Freelancer agreement is the independent contractor agreement. Sometimes a business may need a freelancer for a specific work or execution of the project on a temporary basis.

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Freelancer agreement is the independent contractor agreement. Sometimes a business may need a freelancer for a specific work or execution of the project on a temporary basis. A freelancer is a person who specializes in his/her field of work and works on an assignment basis for the companies. It is an agreement between independent workers and their customers. It is an essential tool for freelancer and the customer to ensure the scope of work that will be done, the fees and the timelines. This agreement is essential as it helps to build a good and robust relationship between the company and freelancer.


Scope of Work: The agreement specifies what the contractor will do, including deadlines, milestones and customer acceptance criteria

Payment Terms: The agreement includes the terms related to payment, installment payment, the cost of revisions, fees for late payment, deposits and reimbursement of the expenses

Ownership of Work: It is very crucial in the contract of the freelancer to mention who owns the intellectual property of the work

Independent Contractor Relationship: This part of the agreement specifies the relationship between the parties, that is the independent contractor and client rather than of an employee and employer

Confidentiality: The contractor and the other party in order to protect the confidential information for creative or intellectual property work should mention such terms and conditions

Warranties: It may require warranting that the work will not infringe on the third-party rights of intellectual property and can also provide the work produced to meet a certain quality

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